What is deforestation and it effects?
Deforestation is the removal of trees from forests or other lands on a large scale for the facilitation of human activities. These human activities may include mining, infrastructure developments (road, housing etc) and certain agriculture operations. As population increase the demand for land clearing increases. However, by removing excessive number of trees to facilitate these activities it has causes serious environmental issues. These issues include global warming-which refers to the unusual increase in the earth temperature, soil erosion, diversity loss, increase in carbon dioxide level and decrease in oxygen.
The effects on the agriculture industry in Jamaica
Deforestation has result in a negative impact on the agriculture industry in Jamaica due to the fast-growing tourism industry. It can be seen in different areas in Jamaica where large areas of forest or trees are being replaced with hotels and new roads leading to them. For example, if you should take a look down by Liliput, St.James, you could see major construction taking place beside the highway. This area was full with trees which were being removed to facilitate the construction of the new hotel. Overtime this has caused an increase in temperatures and changes in the amount and distribution of rainfall which affects the agriculture industry that involves in the cultivation of crops. How is that so? Trees help to keep the atmosphere cool by blocking out excessive sun and help generate or attract wind and most importantly it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. When there is an excessive removal of trees, plus increasing emissions it results in excessive amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that helps to deplete the ozone layer which causes the earth to become really hot in some areas leading to drought and less rainfall which cause crops to die. Additionally, these tree helps in storing and supplying water sources. We are currently facing drought in some areas of Jamaica. Lastly, deforestation also contributed to soil erosion. Soil erosion is the washing away of the top layer of the soil by water, plants, animals, air, snow, or humans. It decreases agricultural productivity by reducing soil fertility. Without the soil being fertile crops aren’t able to grow to its full potential or any at all. This will then affect farmers who depend on these crops as a source of income and us as consumers of these crops.
The impacts of deforestation on biodiversity
Apart from deforestation affecting the agriculture industry it also results in biodiversity loss. Some of these forests are homes and food to animals, insects and other living organism and by removing these forestry’s they die in the process. It can also result in their extinction. Deforestation also causes some of these wild animals to relocate in areas among us humans such as towns and community and my cause problems. These trees are also important in supplying oxygen to these living creatures, shelter from the sun and helps in supplying water sources.
Jamaica NDC under the Paris Agreement relating to deforestation.
Jamaica has updated their NDC under the Paris agreement in 2020 to incorporate land use and the forest sector. They have implemented an integrated watershed management project that aim to improve conservation and management of biodiversity and provision of ecosystem services. This will be done by implementing sustainable agriculture, land and forestry methods and proper livelihood practices. The NDC foresees that by 2030 there can be a reduction of emission in the forestry and energy sector between 25.4% to 28.5%.
System thinking approach technique to achieve sustainable development in the agriculture industry.
By adopting the System thinking approach, it helps us to think on a wider perspective from how the forest is formed to the importance of the forest, how it is connected or related to other things and to truly understand how destructive deforestation is on agriculture and the need to eliminate or reduce it to achieve sustainability in this sector. There are several steps in the system thinking approach that the agriculture sector can follow:
1. Identify or define the problem- identify how deforestation has affected agriculture. Identify the root causes of the problem and understand the impacts of deforestation on the environment, society, and the economy.
2. Identify the stakeholders involved in the agriculture industry, including farmers, consumers, government agencies, NGOs, and businesses. Understand their interests, needs, and concerns related to deforestation.
3. Understand the complex system of deforestation in the agriculture industry. Identify the feedback loops, interdependencies, and unintended consequences.
4 Identify the areas that need interventions and create policies, regulations, incentives, or market mechanisms that encourage sustainable practices.
5 Develop a comprehensive plan to tackle deforestation in the agriculture industry. The plan should involve a combination of different interventions that address the root causes of the problem and leverage points identified in the system. The plan should also include goals, timelines, and performance indicators to measure progress.
6. Implement the plan in collaboration with stakeholders involved in the agriculture industry. The implementation process should involve monitoring and evaluation to ensure the plan's effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.
7. Regularly review and adjust the plan to ensure its continued effectiveness in tackling deforestation in the agriculture industry.
By carefully following each of these steps the agriculture industry should be able to come up with a sustainable solution.
-Karice Schloss
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